July 14, 2018 (edited)
My time coming..
Don't miss all those sweet 1st set tunes that get things primed: Esau, Althea, Cassidy,
There were some negative comments on Healy from previous show. I gotta say almost all of that stuff is like cursing your own family. Just check out Healy messing with the levels during ESTIMATED. That is some pretty trippy cool stuff right there. It is his art form and the GD was a collection of folks bringing what they liked to do coming around in a circle.
But hey in today's world when push comes to shove even many hippies are afraid of love.
So please save the negative comments, look in the mirror and be introspective. If we could be kinder to ourselves perhaps we might also be kinder to others "More my brother looks like me, the more I understand"
Funny when the greatest prophet of these times turned out to be a man beaten by the police but looking for cooler heads to prevail and so proclaimed
The space from this show is pretty freakin' spacey.
I was at Red Rocks 85 and the boys were channelling some pretty wild stuff circa drumz & space this year. Sounds like China Doll briefly but then GDTRFB or maybe MIRACLE or how's about Truckin'
Smokestack was a nice nugget they threw in every once in a while, pretty sure the last one I got was Tinley Park.
My favorite one was at Nassau with Matt Kelly on harp.
And of course those jumbo versions with Pigpen are always floating around on the Archive.
I don't know what happened after 85 (besides the Coma, Dylan) but it took along time for them to find their groove again.
anyway T-Stones sounds very dated now when I listen to it but the desire for a better world remains a constant. What is so funny about peace love and understanding?
I guess the rub is that human beings because of their fallen nature will never live in peace without the direct intervention of GOD. In those Monster Movies mankind unites to destroy some hideous freakish creature threatening our future but the sad reality is that the monster is all of us collectively. (If we were left to our own devises this planet would be a burning cinder)
In many parts of the world it is illegal to own a Bible but in the West the devil has us so consumed with entertainment and leisure time that no one notices that our society increasingly stands against all the good and righteous thing proclaimed in the Word.
Anyway, I challenge every DEADHEAD to pick up Scripture and see if the claims Jesus makes are true.
I have searched the Word from the Torah to the Psalms, proverbs, the prophets, the Gospels and the New Testament and Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday today and forever...
This show has such a stacked 2nd set.
A good two days of music..
p.s. Day Job was a fun dance tune but the lyrics must have hit to close to home for some of the folks on an endless GD welfare tour.
reminds me of that Jim Morrison line 'Trade In Your Hours, For a Handful of Dimes.'
it also was 100% better off not in the encore slot.
it was and still is good advice.